Tobacco PTPN X, Collapse hit by hurricanes Tautan Permanen Otom
A los used for drying tobacco PTPN X in Dukuh Bener, Village Malangjiwan, Kebonarum collapse hit by a hurricane, on Tuesday (24/11/2015). As a result, the building los had close access road between the District Kebonarum and Karangnongko.

quoted from Solopos, One of the residents who at the time was in the los, M. Nasrudin, 29, said los collapsed at around 13:30 pm. Previously, he and four colleagues who work on the manufacture of talut fields. Because of the rain, Nasrudin and four colleagues rushed towards los tobacco.

"Besides us, there is one more person that we do not know also shelter," said Nasrudin when met reporters after the incident.
About 15 minutes, the sixth person in los shelter, strong winds blowing from west to east. The wind makes the building los made of bamboo slowly collapsed.
"The four men who ran shelter. While, I and another still in the stall. The collapse it slowly, then I tried to lie down so as not to fall directly los buildings, "he said.
Lucky, of that event no casualties. Nazaruddin together with a colleague who was trapped in los no injuries as a result of the incident. However, the building collapsed los occlude Kebonarum-Karangongko. A total of five motorcycles was slightly damaged by falling debris los.

After the incident, residents along BPBDs, SAR Klaten, employees PTPN X clearing rubble dominated los bamboo from the road. Around 16:30 pm, the access road is passable.

"For los collapsed has a size of about 100 meters x 20 meters. For losses, we do not count them, "said Assistant Manager of PTPN X Klaten, Hernowo.
Task Executor (Plt) BPBDs Klaten, Bambang Sujarwo, asking the public to be aware of the strong winds in the transition season. Almost all districts in Klaten hit by a hurricane-prone.

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